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 Sharpening Services: Bandsaw Blades, Planer Blades, Chainsaw Chains (OK)
  Viewed 8380 Times 
 Ad Posted:  Saturday, January 18, 2025
 Ad Expires:  Monday, February 17, 2025
 User Information:
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580 276 6714
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Burneyville OK
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All Ads by Sawyernolen
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 Ad Information:
Hicks Milling
ALL Across USA
Nolen Hicks
(580) 276-6714
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Bandsaw Blades, Planer Blades, Chainsaw Chain Sharpening (OK)

Have your blades sharpened by a sawyer who knows how to sharpen bandsaw blades. Guaranteed to be as good as new or better than new. I sharpen bandsaw blades, planer blades, and chainsaw chains. I have a LogMaster LM4 sawmill that I own and operate and know how important it is to keep those blades sharp for better quality wood production. Located in south central Oklahoma, overlooking the Red River west of Marietta. UPS and USPS shipments daily. Fed X only runs twice a week. Monthly accounts welcome.

Contact Nolen Hicks (580) 276-6714 for pricing and shipping info. You may have to leave message as I can't hear my phone when the sawmill is running. I'll call ya back ASAP.

Ship me one blade and I'll sharpen it and ship it back to you free and you can be the judge! Thanks!

Sawmill, Band Sawmill, Band Saw Mill, Portable Sawmill, Portable Saw Mill, Used Sawmill for Sale, Used Sawmills for Sale, Circular Sawmill, Chainsaw Sawmill, TimberKing Sawmill, Cook's Sawmill
Bandsaw Sawmills, Norwood Sawmill, LogMaster Sawmill, Timbery Sawmill, Wood-Mizer Sawmill, Timber Wolf Bandsaw Blades, LOGOSOL, Granberg Chainsaw Mill
Used Band Sawmills for Sale, Used Band Sawmills, Used Portable Sawmills, Used Portable Sawmill, Bandsaw Mill, Sawmill Equipment, Used Sawmill Machinery, Bandmills, Band Mills, Woodmizer, Wood-Mizer, Woodmiser