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 Featured Ad Add Value to your Timbers! Build a Log Cabin ONLINE Course Complete with Sawmill Cut List
  Viewed 6708 Times 
 Ad Posted:  Tuesday, January 14, 2025
 Ad Expires:  Monday, April 14, 2025
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British Columbia School of Log Building
Dave Stonehouse
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V0A 1H1 Distance
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Build a Dovetail Log Building – Online Course We’ve taken our popular 2 week Build a Dovetail Log Building Course online! In 25 detailed modules, you will learn all the techniques and knowledge necessary to build a dovetail log cabin in your choice location and on your own schedule. It's a great way to add value to the timbers that you mill and to make more money with your sawmill! • A sawmill materials cut list with an accompanying explanation of how to produce your own • Professionally produced, clear video demonstrations • Comprehensive step by step written instructions with over 240 photos and diagrams *pdf • A detailed Log by Log Graphics Package for our 16′ x 20′ Willowbank Course Cabin *pdf • A complete set of log shell building plans *pdf • Our repeatable 10 Steps to Laying a Dovetail Log guide *pdf • $697.50 CAD(includes 5% gst) The course is hosted online where you'll have UNLIMITED access to the videos, graphics, log shell plans and detailed instructions. You can also work through this course offline by downloading the available pdf instructions, and graphics. This is the best resource available for building a dovetail log building in your own backyard. Let the sawdust fly!

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Bandsaw Sawmills, Norwood Sawmill, LogMaster Sawmill, Timbery Sawmill, Wood-Mizer Sawmill, Timber Wolf Bandsaw Blades, LOGOSOL, Granberg Chainsaw Mill
Used Band Sawmills for Sale, Used Band Sawmills, Used Portable Sawmills, Used Portable Sawmill, Bandsaw Mill, Sawmill Equipment, Used Sawmill Machinery, Bandmills, Band Mills, Woodmizer, Wood-Mizer, Woodmiser